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PRINCE BUSTER - FUNKY JAMAICARock-A-Shacka presents the eagerly awaited third album from the vaults of the late, great Prince Buster.
The album features 12 tracks spanning from Jamaican funk to rocksteady and early reggae. There are seven previously un-released/alternative tracks included on the album, the selection stays true to its title with a funky edge.
Among the highlights is the original ’67 extended take of Prince Buster’s “A Tribute To The Toughest” aka "Ghost Dance" with Buster delivering a message and paying homage to his departed “rudeboy” friends….”Tell them, music is the food of love, so I forever sing on....baah tuff!”
Also included are alternative takes of Buster's "Dark End of the Street" (a soul original by James Carr), Buster Allstars -"Come Get Me", Winston Samuels "I'm Still Here", a beautiful rock steady track with Larry Marshall on backing harmonies. You also have Buster covering songs from the likes of - James Brown "Bring It Up" (Clap Your Hand), Beginning Of The End "Funky Nassau" (Funky Jamaica), The Clovers "Don't You Know I Love You So".....Buster loved good songs when he heard them! Lee Perry makes an appearance with "Call On Me"....."so get my number - 6453708, just ask for the whup whop man!...". Prince Buster and Teddy Charmers also feature on the album with two previously un-released gems - "Got To Be Free" and "All My life" both recorded in '69. The great Gregory Isaacs one and only recording "Dancing Floor" is also included for your musical pleasure. Last but not least, "Black Soul" by Prince Buster Allstars from '69, a beautiful horns instrumental from the early reggae era!
Prince Buster still remains one of the most iconic figure in Jamaican music and his music will forver live on. We hope you enjoy our new album and we're always grateful for the support with our label. Respect - Rock A Shacka
Rock A Shackaが贈る、待望のプリンス・バスター秘蔵音源第3弾!
注目すべきトラックの一つは、1967年録音のプリンス・バスターによる「A Tribute To The Toughest」(ロックステディ代表曲のひとつ「Ghost Dance」の叩き台であろう)のオリジナル・ロング・テイク。バスターのまわりを固めていたルードボーイたちに捧げた未発表曲。
さらに、バスターがジェームス・カーのソウル名曲をカバーした「Dark End of the Street」の別バージョン、アーネスト・ライングリンによる「Come Get Me」、ウィンストン・サミュエルズの美しいロックステディ・ナンバー「I'm Still Here」(ラリー・マーシャルがコーラスで参加)は未発表テイクを選んだ。ダブ・プレートのようなソリッドな仕上がりが楽しめる。
また、バスターが愛した名曲カバーも多数収録。ジェームス・ブラウンの「Bring It Up (Clap Your Hand)」、Beginning Of The Endの「Funky Nassau」を大胆にアレンジした「Funky Jamaica」、The Cloversの「Don't You Know I Love You So」など、バスターならではの解釈だ。
さらには、リー・ペリーが「Call On Me」で登場。“So get my number - 6453708, just ask for the whup whop man!...” というフレーズが印象的な一曲。
また、プリンス・バスターとテディ・チャーマーによる未発表の秘蔵音源「Got To Be Free」「All My Life」(ともに1969年録音)、さらに、バスター・プロダクション唯一のグレゴリー・アイザックス音源「Dancing Floor」、スキンヘッド・レゲエのお手本のような1969年リリースの「Black Soul」など、盛り沢山な内容に仕上がっている。
1. Funky Jamaica - Prince Buster
2. Clap Your Hands - Prince Buster *
3. Got To Be Free - Prince Buster *
4. Black Soul - Prince Buster & His All Stars
5. Dark End Of The Street - Prince Buster **
6. All In My Life - Teddy Charmers *
7. Tribute To The Toughest - Prince Buster *
8. Call On Me - Lee Perry
9. Don’t You Know I Love You So - Prince Buster
10. Dancing Floor - Gregory Isaacs
11. I’m Still Here - Winston Samuels **
12. Come Get Me - Ernest Ranglin **
* Previously Unrelesed
** Previously Unreleased Alternate Take
- 佐川急便(5kgまで520円 / 5kg以上20kg未満830円)
- ゆうメール(7inchのみ5枚まで300円)
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